
Avocado, cream cheese and cucumber sushi rolls recipe

Date Night Dishes… Sushi NightMaking sushi at home is easier than you might think and tastes just as good as your favorite sushi joint. Just making the sushi in itself is a fun and unique experience to do with your date especially if you’ve never done it before. Experiment with different fillings and enjoy custom sushi rolls without the large bill at the end of the night.

Couple making sushi at home

One of my husband's top date nights would likely involve a trip to the sushi restaurant where we eat an abundance of raw fish and other rolled delicacies. I can't handle the raw slices of fish, but I do enjoy a good California roll just as much as he does. What I can't appreciate is the price. A few rolls and a few cocktails and we've already spent $50 and I'm not even sure that I'm full. So to save some cash, we decided to try to make our own.

The good news -- you don't need a rice steamer, a bamboo mat or any special equipment to make restaurant style sushi rolls. With a bit of patience and perhaps a little practice, you may never pay $15 a roll again. The best part is that you can customize your sushi rolls as you see fit -- add shrimp or salmon, an assortment of veggies or if you have access to fresh, sashimi-grade fish, you can include that too. Be sure to buy some wasabi, a good quality soy sauce and a little ginger, and your dining room table will feel just like the sushi restaurant. If your table can handle it, feel free to do a few sake bombs too. We're all about being authentic around here.

Avocado, cream cheese and cucumber sushi roll recipe

Avocado, cream cheese and cucumber sushi

Yields 2 rolls

Ingredients:3/4 cup Japanese sushi-grade rice1 cup water2 sheets nori seaweed1 avocado, diced1/4 cup of cucumber, seeded and julienne sliced1/2 cup cream cheese1/2 teaspoon minced garlic1 tablespoon diced onionSesame seedsDirections:
    Pour rice and water into a saucepan and prepare according to the directions on the bag. Let cool.In a small bowl, mix together cream cheese, garlic and onion until combined. Scoop the mixture into a plastic bag and snip off the corner. Place a sheet of seaweed on a flat surface. About a half inch from one edge of the seaweed, squeeze a thick line of the cream cheese from one side to the other.Next, spread half of the avocado right next to the cream cheese and finish by doing the same with half of the cucumber. Tightly roll the seaweed around the filling and set aside. Repeat with the next roll.On a sheet of wax paper, scoop out half of the cooked and cooled rice. Using another sheet of wax paper, press down and form a thin square with the rice that is as long as the rolls you prepared. The rice will be super sticky so try to avoid touching it with your hands. Sprinkle a generous amount of sesame seeds on the top of the rice and then flip it over onto the other sheet of wax paper so the sesame seeds are on the bottom. Carefully peel away the wax paper from the top to reveal the plain rice side.Place the roll on the edge of the rice and carefully start rolling, peeling away the wax paper as you go. When it is completely rolled, wrap the wax paper around it and squeeze it so the roll gets super tight.Move it over to a cutting board and slice it using a sharp, serrated knife.Serve with soy sauce, wasabi and fresh ginger slices. Don't forget the chop sticks!
More Date Night Dishes >>More Japanese food ideas

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Meatless Monday Burger bonanza! Carrot rice nut burgers

24-Carrot Goodness!A veggie that can grow in almost all seasons, carrots seem to be a go-to snack for dieters and simply smart snackers alike! Whether you like to munch on them plain, put them in salads or turn them into a steamed side dish, keep doing what you're doing because they're good for you!

Carrot, rice, nut veggie burger

Orange you glad carrots are good for you?

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Most everyone knows carrots are good for your eyes, which need vitamin A to function properly, but they're also good for your skin, immune system and can protect against heart disease and certain cancers.

Research also shows that carrots may help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. They're also pretty high on the list when it comes to foods filled with fiber, which can help fight cholesterol.

Get more golden goodness

Since carrots are so good for you (and are one of the most convenient snacks), you may need a few ideas for how you can get more into your meals. Check out some of these ideas:

Drink your carrots! Juice them in combination with other fruits and veggies for a delicious, healthy drink.Add them to soups and salads. They're easy to just slice and toss and taste great with just about any soup or salad option.Shred them. Once shredded, add them to zucchini bread, burger and lasagna recipes.Crunch and munch them. Carrots are great take-along snacks. You can even find them at the grocery store in individual snack bags. You can also slice regular carrots into sticks and eat them with your favorite low-fat dip.Here is a healthy, meatless burger option that includes carrots. Give it a try!Carrot rice nut burgers

Makes 10 burgers (reduced by half from the original recipe)

Ingredients:1-1/2 cups uncooked brown rice3 cups water1/2 cup toasted cashews1/2 pound toasted unsalted sunflower seeds1/2 sweet onion, chopped3 carrots, chopped2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oilSalt to tasteDirections:
    In a large pot, bring the rice and water to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 45 minutes.Oil the grill grate and preheat the grill for high heat.Using a food processor, grind the toasted cashews and sunflower seeds to a fine meal. Transfer to a large bowl. Pulse the onion and carrots in the food processor until finely shredded, and mix with the ground nuts. Place the cooked rice and olive oil in the food processor, and pulse until smooth. Mix into the bowl. Season with salt. Form the mixture into patties.Grill the patties six to eight minutes on each side, until nicely browned.
Recipe courtesy of All Recipes. Meatless Monday is quickly making its way around the country (and the world)! Read why Meatless Mondays are so popular in schools, from lesson plans to the lunchrooms.More Meatless Monday Meal ideas

Squash recipes for the season
Go meatless with green beans
How to go six days beyond Monday
Breakfast for dinner

Family dinner night Chili bar with hot dogs

Chili hot dog bar

My kids just love meals where they can be involved and build their own dinner creation. This meal allows them to do just that.

Chili is a hot family meal

I made a huge pot of my favorite chili, assembled all kinds of delicious toppings, made a platter of tasty hot dogs with fresh buns and let the fun begin! It's not only a fabulous weeknight meal for kids, but it can also be a perfect party food.

Making a chili bar is so simple, you may just add it to your weekly meal rotation. Here are the steps to follow to make your very own:

1Make a pot of your favorite chili

Everyone has a favorite chili recipe, and they usually vary from one recipe to another. My favorite recipe is a concoction of ground beef, onions, kidney beans and diced tomatoes, with tomato soup for the base and lots of chili powder. Yum. Put your chili in a pretty bowl that will be perfect for self-serving.


2Prepare hot dogs

Next, cook up a pot of hot dogs, and slice up some fresh buns. I put my hot dogs on a platter, and the kids were able to help themselves!

Hot dog platter

3Now, on to the toppings!

The choice for toppings is endless. I tried to incorporate a variety of food groups to allow the kids to make some healthier choices. I also threw in a couple fun choices too — like corn chips and shredded cheese. My kids thought they hit the jackpot by having chips as a topping for dinner!

First up are some fresh, healthy choices — fresh sweet corn, chopped green onion, diced white onion and diced tomato. You could alternately serve salsa instead of the diced tomato.

veggie toppings

Next up, some yummy dairy toppings. Who doesn't love some fresh, shredded cheese and sour cream with their chili? Delicious and nutritious.

dairy toppings

Finally, some yummy corn chips. These give the chili dogs a great crunch, and the kids just love them!

Corn chips

4Serve and assemble

I placed all the toppings on the table surrounding the hot dog platter and chili bowl. The kids just loved assembling their own chili dog and loved picking out their favorite toppings.

Chili bar

I served our chili dogs with a nice, fresh salad to make the meal just a wee bit more nutritious.

chili plate

This was a fabulous weeknight meal. If you make your chili ahead of time, this meal can be brought together very quickly on a busy weeknight. It was easy to make for me and fun for the kids. Definitely a winner and a meal I'll be making again!

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Grilled Marinated Tofu

Healthy And Tasty!Grilled Marinated Tofu is a delicious alternative with a satisfying, "meaty" texture. Tofu is easy to prepare on the grill, and it is best to use only very firm tofu. This means Chinese style tofu packed in tubs of water and labeled extra firm or super firm. To ensure optimal flavor and texture, rinse the tofu and pat dry with a clean kitchen towel, pressing out the excess moisture before slicing and placing in the marinade.

Marinade Ingredients1 1/2 cups vegetable broth 1/4 cup Tamari 1 teaspoon vegetarian Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon granulated garlic 3 tablespoons miso 1/3 cup dry vermouth 1 teaspoons dried thyme2 (16 oz. pkg.) very firm tofuDirections
    Combine the marinade ingredients n a medium bowl, and set aside.Wrap the tofu in a clean kitchen towel. Place a heavy weight on top (such as a cutting board weighted with a heavy juice can). Set aside for at least 30 minutes to allow the excess water to drain from the tofu.Making one cut crosswise through the width of the block and then two cuts horizontally and then vertically, cut each one pound block of tofu into 18 cubes.Place the tofu cubes into a non-reactive 9" x 13" pan and pour the marinade over all. Cover and place the tofu in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.Prepare a medium-hot fire in the grill and spray the grill (or rack) with olive oil cooking spray. Grill the tofu until browned and a slight crust forms, about 5 to 7 minutes per side. Serve hot

Recommended vegetables for the grill: quartered ears of corn, Japanese eggplants cut into 1/2 " rounds, trimmed asparagus spears, 3/4" thick onion wedges, 3/4 " thick bell pepper strips, and large carrots sliced on the diagonal.

Makes 6 Servings

Grilled Marinated Tofu

Nutrition Analysis: per serving: 4 ounces Calories 115 Protein 6g., Carb 2g, Fiber 1g, Fat 7g, Chol 0.0mg, Calcium 100mg, Sodium 64mg. Calories from Protein 22%, Calories from Carb 5%, Calories from Fat 59% (which seems high only because the calories are so low).

Traditional Grilled Marinated Beef

Nutrition Analysis: per serving: 4 ounces Calories 423, Protein 18g, Carb 1g, Fiber 0g, Fat 38g, Chol 85, Calcium 3mg, Sodium 575mg. Calories from Protein 18%, Calories from Carb 1%, Calories from Fat 81%.

Notes on Ingredients:

Firm Chinese style tofu -- Firm, extra firm, and super firm are all excellent choices here and the degree of density is a all a matter of taste. Available from White Wave, Nasoya, and Soy Deli among other brands at health food stores and supermarkets.

Vegetarian Worcestershire Sauce -- A condiment with all of the zest and flavor without anchovies or any artificial ingredients. Available at health food stores from The Wizard or Robbies.

Tamari -- A wheat-free, natural soy sauce, richer and slightly stronger than traditional soy sauce. Tamari is available in health food stores, Asian markets, and some supermarkets.

Miso is a rich, smooth paste fermented from soybeans and a grain such as rice or barley and aged one to three years. Miso has a consistency somewhat like peanut butter and should be stored in the refrigerator, where it will keep for several months. Available in Japanese markets and health food stores, from Cold Mountain, and Westbrae Foods, among others.

Reprinted with permission, The Enlightened Kitchen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ©Marie Oser 2002


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